Friday, 6 November 2015

'Cone Gatherers'- Homework- Chapter 9 Questions to be completed for Friday 13th (SPOOKY!)

Work in pairs to answer the following:

1.What led up to the Doctor’s appointment?

2. What happened during it?

3. What are the consequences of it?

4.How is Duror portrayed as an isolated character in this scene? (treat as a 4 mark question)

5.In what ways is the end of this chapter a second turning point (try to lay this out like the 10 mark question- refer to previous chapters in your analysis). At this stage, you can use your notes.

i.e. This chapter acts as a second turning point as… In previous chapters… but from this point on… (2 marks)

Then analyse one quote from the end of this chapter (2 marks) and 3 quotes from elsewhere to prove that it is a turning point (2 marks each).