Thursday, 24 August 2017

S3 'Brooklyn Cop' article analysis questions

1.State the purpose of the article- what was the writer trying to do when he/she wrote it? Persuade you think something? Inform you about something? Why do you think this?

2.What does the article tell you about Brooklyn cops? Bullet point at least 3 things.

3.What evidence is provided to back up each of these point made about Brooklyn cops (use your 3 points from the answers above)?

4.What is the writer’s point of view of Brooklyn cops? (does she respect them? Think they do their jobs properly? Does she think life is difficult for them?)

5.How is this point of view clearly shown ( Quote and comment on at least 3 aspects of language here and explain them fully) i.e.

  ‘with his brethren loitering’. Word-choice of ‘loitering’ has a denotation of standing around with no apparent purpose. Connotations of 'loitering' are laziness, being ‘up to no good’. This tells us that the writer thinks Brooklyn cops are idle and not doing their jobs properly.

6. How did the article make you feel about police in Brooklyn?

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Nat 5 Dramatic monolgue features

Can be found on the Nat 5 Jackie Kay page at link to the side of this blog.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Nat 5 'Bed' translation task and dicussion question.

To be completed for next Tuesday.

1. In pairs, discuss what the old woman is actually saying in the poem. Bullet point the main things that she tells you.

2. Now, individually, translate the poem into a series of diary entries, in the persona of the old woman but in normal English.
•The diary should begin in the morning and end at night.
•Pay attention to detail; use the poem to guide you but also show some creative license where

After writing: compare your translation to the original poem. Consider what is lost in the act of translation from Scots to Standard English and from poetry to prose. Why did Kay choose to write in the form that she did?


Friday, 18 August 2017

Link to persuasive plan.

In case you are struggling to find it:

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Good luck

Good luck to last year's Higher pupils. Drop me an email or message to let me know how you did and how you are feeling. Fingers crossed! #teachersgetjustasnervousaspupils