Monday 26 February 2018

Higher: 'Originally' stanza 2 questions FOR MONDAY

Attempt the following questions, trying to use the just as so structure where appropriate (to analyse imagery!):

1.Identify the technique used in ‘All childhood is emigration’ and comment on the image created by it.
2.Talking about childhood, Duffy states: ‘Some are slow,/leaving you standing, resigned, up an avenue/where no one you know stays.’ What do you think she means by this?
3.Comment on the word-choice of ‘resigned’.
4.Why is the imagery of ‘Corners, which seem familiar,/leading to unimagined, pebble-dashed estates’ effective in describing both growing up and moving house?
5.Comment on the word-choice of ‘unimagined’: what effect does this word have?
6.Identify the technique used in ‘My parents' anxiety stirred like a loose tooth in my head’ and comment on the image created by it.
7.‘I want our own country ’ Why does Duffy use the word ’our’ instead of ‘my’? What effect does this have?
8.Comment on the use of short sentences in this stanza. Pick one that you find particularly effective and state why.
9.What is this stanza about? How does it differ from stanza one?

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